Tuesday, June 14, 2016

II. New Testament Christology, Part I: Stages of the Development of Christology and The Historical Jesus

For the Stages of the Development of Christology, read • Read: Joseph A. FITZMYER, S.J., “ The Biblical Commission’s Instructions on the Historical Truth of the Gospels,” Theological Studies 25 (1964), 386-408. Accessible here.

On the Quest for the Historical Jesus, you can read the survey in  RAUSCH, SJ, chapter 1, pp. 9-22.
For a recent assessment of the issue, read  LOHFINK, SJ “The So-Called Historical Jesus,” in Jesus of Nazareth, pp. 1-23. The book is placed on reserve at the Arnoldus Library.

You can watch here Fr. Meier's video lecture on the matter (he discusses Marginal Jew, vol. 3).

On the Reign of God:
--For a general knowledge, read John FUELLENBACH, SVD, "Kingdom of God," in Dictionary of Fundamental Theology, ed. by Latourelle and Fisichella, pp. 586-94. For Guide Questions on this article, click here [FUELLENBACH].

--On the issue of the historicity of the Reign of God as a central message of Jesus, read John P. MEIER, "The Kingdom of God: God Coming in Power to Rule," in A Marginal Jew, vol. 2, pp. 237-506. A summary/outline is presented in class. The book is placed on reserve at the Arnoldus Library.
For MEIER, Jesus was a marginal Jew, "a 1st-century Jewish eschatological prophet who proclaims an imminent-future coming of God's kingdom, practices baptism as a ritual of preparation for that kingdom, teaches his disciples to pray to God as 'abba' for the kingdom's arrival, prophesies the regathering of all Israel (symbolized by the inner circle of his twelve disciples) and the inclusion of the Gentiles when the kingdom comes--but who at the same time makes the kingdom already present for at least some Israelites by his exorcisms and miracles of healing. Hence in some cases he already mediates an experience of the joyful time of salvation, expressed also in his freewheeling table fellowship with toll collectors and sinners and his rejection of voluntary fasting for himself and his disciples. To all this must be added his--at times--startling interpretation of the Mosaic Law" (A Marginal Jew II, 454).

--For a current assessment, see LOHFINK, "The Proclamation of the Reign of God," and the "Reign of God and the People of God," in Jesus of Nazareth: What He Wanted, Who He Was, pp. 24-58. The book is placed on reserve at the Arnoldus Library.

--See also FUELLENBACH, "The Kingdom of God and the Church: Ecclesiology after Vatican II," Diwa 40 (2015): 54-73.

ASSIGNMENT: Write a two-page reaction, HANDWRITTEN, on  LOHFINK,  "Jesus' Miracles," in Jesus of Nazareth: What He Wanted, Who He Was, pp. 128-152. The reaction paper should be handed in on July 6, 2016. Note: June 29 is a free cut.

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Fr. Randy is the current Parish Priest and Rector of the Sacred Heart Parish Shrine in Quezon City, Philippines. He is also the Director of the Biblical Apostolate of the Diocese of Cubao and the coordinator for the Biblical Apostolate of the SVD Philippine Central Province. He teaches Biblical courses at the Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay City. He holds a doctorate from the Ateneo de Manila University (PhD, 2015) and from the Loyola School of Theology (STD, 2014); Licentiate in Sacred Scripture (SSL, 1999) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome); an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry from the Divine Word Seminary  (1995). He served as president of the Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines (CBAP), chairperson of the Tagaytay Religious Association (TRA), Dean of Studies (Divine Word Seminary), and editor of the academic journal  Diwa: Studies in Philosophy and Theology. He founded the Certificate in Theological Studies (CTS) at the Divine Word Seminary and the SVD Tagaytay Alternative Learning System (SVD-ALS), an educational program for the out-of-school youth. Visit also his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/biblicalapostolateph